Kids in the Kollel

The Milwaukee Kollel is a vibrant hub of Torah learning and communal growth for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. It is particularly satisfying when we get to see young people learning at the Kollel, because it means the right messages are reaching our children. And everyone benefits from the energy brought to the Kollel by the next generation of Lomdei Torah, especially in programs run by current or past Kollel Yungeleit.

Rabbi Rocky Anton's Night Seder program encourages boys to come every evening to spend some extra time reviewing the day’s limud from Yeshiva or tackling something new. The program fosters an atmosphere of camaraderie, nurturing a love for learning that extends far beyond the walls of the Kollel.

After school, Rabbi Elie Starr offers a unique extracurricular opportunity, learning to Lein from a seasoned professional in a relaxed and comfortable environment. 

Shabbos afternoon is a perfect time for learning. Rabbi Yona Zohn helps make this possible through his popular shiurim for boys of various ages at the Kollel. We are also proud to host the community’s Dor l’dor learning program, also run by Rabbi Zohn, on Shabbos afternoons when the days get long. The sights and sounds of families bonding through Limud HaTorah are most welcome in our Beis Medrash. 

While Yeshiva Batei Medrash may get quieter during Bein Hazmanim, at the Kollel we know to order extra cups and lots of coffee. Our community’s bochurim return from their Yeshivos and it is a zchus to host their Bein Hazmanim Limudim. What wonderful role models they are to the younger boys about how a Yeshiva Bochur spends his vacation. Add to that the Yeshivas Bein Hazmanim and Chol Hamoed Dor l’dor programs, and you get a truly incredible Kol Torah! 

Through the Makom Kadosh of our building and especially Beis Medrash, and through the efforts of our current and former Yungeleit, the Kollel provides many paths for growth in Torah all year round.


Torah; Understanding Hashem and Ourselves


Shteiging with Infectious Enthusiasm: Interactive Gemara and Hashkafa with Rabbi Yaakov Israel