Parshas Beraishis

Rabbi Hillel Brody

The Chofetz Chaim speaks at length in multiple seforim of the horrible impact which Lashon Hara, even when spoken only by a single individual, has on the entire Klal Yisroel. On the other hand, when we refrain from Lashon Hara, even if we are not fulfilling our obligations to Hashem, we are protected from harm. Even if Klal Yisroel engages in the worst of sins, Avoda Zara, we will not be punished if there is peace among us.

The Chofetz Chaim, in his Sefer Shemiras Halashon, shows how the power of speech is taught in many, many of the parshiyos of the Torah. Each week, Rabbi Brody will share an insight into the power of speech and our responsibility to use it properly.

Dovid Hamelech says in Tehillim, “Who wants to live, who loves days and desires to see good? Guard your lips from evil...”

The Chofetz Chaim ponders, why is this so? What is the special power about avoiding negative speech which causes it to be singled out as bringing such wonderful results?

In Shemiras Halashon the Chofetz Chaim offers numerous answers to this question. One which is based in this week’s parsha, deals with the nature of speech. In describing the creation of man, the pasuk says that man became a “nefesh chayah- a living soul.” The Targum translates this as, “a speaking soul.”

In other words, the defining feature which distinguishes people from all other of Hashem’s creations, is the power of speech. Concludes the Chofetz Chaim, if we take that one defining ability and use it against Hashem’s will, we are even worse than animals who never had such a power in the first place.


Parshas Noach